Annual Report 2024

Annual Report 2024

Letter from the CEO

Dear Shareholders, Welcome to our 2024 annual report. We faced some headwinds over the past year, but we stood our ground, persevered, and achieved solid progress. This is primarily due to our strong team here in Frankfurt and around the world, whom I would like to thank at this point.

Dr. Stefan Schulte, CEO
Connecting the world with tomorrow

The corporate strategy Fraport.2030 includes consistent directional decisions aimed at sustainable future security and profitable business growth. In addition to its forward-looking significance for long-term corporate development, the new corporate strategy Fraport.2030 also addresses the changing customer expectations for the products and services of a globally leading airport operator. We see it as our overarching and collective task to delight our customers.

This ambition is reflected in our three central strategic priorities: Growth & Sustainability, Innovation & Efficiency, and Employer of Choice. The cultural development of our company also plays an important role in achieving our strategic goals and underscores the strategic dimension of Cooperation within the mission.

In 2030, we will be the company with the world's best expertise in operating climate-friendly airports. Our financial situation will be successful, resilient, and stable, and we will achieve profitable growth. Additionally, we will have successfully expanded our international business. Sustainability will be a central component of our actions, and we will be recognized as a valued part of the respective region.
By 2030, our company will excel at all levels. Our customers will be delighted with our products and effective innovations in all areas. At all our airports, passengers will be impressed by our excellent service and high quality. We will have seamless processes that make our work significantly more efficient.
By the year 2030, we will be an international corporation, whose culture, mindset, and knowledge transfer reflect our global presence. We will be among the most attractive employers in the aviation industry and will have a leadership culture based on trust, fostering curiosity, and rewarding performance.
The successful implementation of the new corporate strategy Fraport.2030 also requires a further development of our way of working as part of the corporate culture. We see ourselves in the future even more as a large community that is connected by a shared understanding: At Fraport, we stand together across all areas and group companies and support each other. Only together can we achieve our ambitions and goals! In this spirit, the following principles should shape our way of working and behavior in the future.
Financial and Non-financial key figures
    • 1,301.8

      mn €


      Positive traffic development at the Group locations increases EBITDA.

    • 501.9

      mn €

      Group result

      Significant improvement in earnings driven by international business; Frankfurt Airport also makes a significant contribution.

    • -674.7

      mn €

      Free Cash Flow

      Further negative due to ongoing expansion measures.

    • 19,211

      Number of Employees as of December 31

      Increased headcount due to positive traffic development.

    • 159,496

      m.t. CO2e

      GHG emissions

      First-time recording of total greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1and 2) in the Group.

    • 61,561,247

      Passengers at FRA

      Passenger volume 3,7 % above the previous year.

  • Financial performance indicators
      2024 2023 Change Change in %
    Revenue (€ million) 4,427.0 4,000.5 + 426.5 + 10.7
    Revenue adjusted for IFRIC 12 (€ million) 3,892.1 3,485.1 + 407.0 + 11.7
    EBITDA (€ million) 1,301.8 1,204.0 + 97.8 + 8.1
    Group result (€ million) 501.9 430.5 + 71.4 + 16.6
    Earnings per share (basic) (€) 4.88 4.26 + 0.6 + 14.6
    Dividend per share (€) 0.00 0.00 0.0
    Free cash flow (€ million) – 674.7 – 656.4 – 18.3 – 2.8
    Total assets (€ million) 20,252.8 18,890.9 + 1,361.9 + 7.2
    Shareholders’ equity ratio (%) 23.8 22.9 + 0.9
    Group liquidity (€ million) 3,936.6 4,041.3 – 104.7 – 2.6
    Net financial debt (€ million) 8,388.5 7,712.6 + 675.9 + 8.8
    Net financial debt to EBITDA 6.4 6.4 0.0
    EBITDA margin (%) 29.4 30.1 – 0.7
    ROFRA (%) 6.3 6.6 – 0.3
    Gearing Ratio (%) 173.7 178.6 – 4.9


    Other performance indicators
      2024 2023 Change Change in %

    Number of employees as at Dec, 31

    19,211 18,057 + 1,154 + 6.4
    Average number of employees 19,001 17,840 + 1,161 + 6.5
    Global satisfaction of passengers (Group) (%) 77 74 + 3.0 PP
    Employee satisfaction (Group) 5.00 4.761) + 0.24 + 5.0
    GHG emissions (Group) (Sum Scope 1 and 2) (t) 159,496 184,734 – 25,238 – 13.7

    1) 2022 values.

The year 2024 …

...was particularly eventful for the Fraport Group. In addition to celebrating the 100th anniversary of Frankfurt as an aviation hub, ongoing traffic growth led to a record EBITDA. Despite challenges, the group-wide traffic growth was driven especially by developments at the locations in Lima, Greece, Antalya, and also Frankfurt.

1st Quarter
  • Strikes by various unions dampen traffic development in Frankfurt
  • International group airports benefit from further traffic growth
  • Opening of Holiday parking in the new T3 parking garage
100 years like a flight

A century has passed since the founding of Südwestdeutsche Luftverkehrs AG marked the beginning of what is now Fraport AG and the development of Frankfurt am Main as an aviation hub. Fraport celebrates this anniversary with a year-long campaign centered around its home base, Frankfurt Airport – an airport with history and stories.

Expansion of photovoltaic system at Frankfurt Airport continues

Fraport continues the construction of the photovoltaic system along Runway West. When completed, the vertically installed solar fences will extend over a length of 2,800 meters along the runway. At peak, 37,000 solar modules will provide an output of 17,400 kilowatts.

CONNECTING THE WORLD WITH TOMORROW as one of the world's leading airport operators

With the realignment of the corporate strategy Fraport.2030, a new claim is also being introduced. "Connecting the world with tomorrow" is Fraport's future guiding principle. Fraport.2030 includes consistent directional decisions and aims for sustainable future security and profitable business growth. In addition to their forward-looking significance for the long-term corporate development, the new corporate strategy also addresses the changed customer expectations of the products and services of a globally leading airport operator.

2nd Quarter
  • Airport Ljubljana uses AI and computer vision technology to optimize handling processes
  • First in-person general meeting since the Covid-19 pandemic
  • 283 destinations in the summer flight schedule in Frankfurt
Masterplan CargoHub: Fraport plans comprehensive investment package for the freight location Frankfurt

Airport operator Fraport is strategically aligning the Frankfurt site for the forecasted growth in the air cargo market. Driven by the increasing global trade, the cargo business will continue to grow worldwide and in Europe in the medium to long term. Assuming that the Frankfurt CargoHub develops proportionally with the needs of the market, Fraport expects an air cargo volume of over three million tons at the site by 2040.

Flooding at the Porto Alegre corporate site

Due to heavy rainfall and flooding, flight operations were suspended at the Porto Alegre corporate site starting on May 3, 2024, until further notice. In addition to supporting the employees, measures were initiated to resume flight operations as quickly as possible. Since the end of 2024, flight operations have been fully restored.

3rd quarter
  • Fraport signs agreement to sell its shares at Delhi Airport
  • Highest seat load factor since the existence of Frankfurt Airport
Final stretch at the construction site at the group airport in Lima

The expansion of the Jorge Chavez group airport in Lima is in its final stages. Following the completion of the second runway and the new air traffic control tower, the commissioning of the new terminal is anticipated for the first quarter in 2025. Trial operations and the final construction measures are in full swing, with up to 13,000 workers on the construction site per day.

4th Quarter
  • Sale of shares at Pulkovo Airport in St. Petersburg
  • The contract with Labor Director Julia Kranenberg is extended until 2030.
Fraport wins operating concession at Kalamata Airport

The Fraport AG, as part of an operating consortium, has won the operating concession for Kalamata Airport (KLX) in Greece. The concession includes the operation of the terminal as well as other land and airside infrastructure, including retail and parking areas. The concession period is 40 years and is expected to begin at the end of 2025, subject to pending approvals. The signing of the concession contract is planned for mid-2025.
