Combined Management Report for the 2024 Fiscal Year


Development of employees
Average number of employees
2024 2023 Change Change in %
Fraport Group 19,001 17,840 +1,161 +6.5
thereof Fraport AG 7,114 7,164 –50 –0.7
thereof Group companies 11,887 10,676 +1,211 +11.3
thereof in Germany 15,319 14,385 +934 +6.5
thereof abroad 3,682 3,455 +227 +6.6

The average number of employees in the Fraport Group (excluding apprentices and employees on leave) increased by 1,161 to 19,001 in the 2024 fiscal year (previous year: 17,840). As a result of the positive traffic development, the headcount increased at the Group company Fraport Ground Services GmbH (+696 employees). At Fraport AG, the headcount decreased (–50 employees) primarily due to resignations of staff. Outside Germany, the headcount increased to 3,682 (+6.6%) due to the Group-wide positive traffic development, especially at the Group companies in Peru (+133 employees) and Greece (+53 employees).

Development of employees in the segments
Average number of employees 2024 2023 Change Change in %
Aviation 3,614 3,447 +167 +4.8
Retail & Real Estate 603 594 +9 +1.5
Ground Handling 8,319 7,716 +603 +7.8
International Activities & Services 6,465 6,083 +382 +6.3

The average number of employees in the International Activities & Services, Ground Handling, and Aviation segments increased as a result of traffic volumes.

Development of employees as at the balance sheet date
Number of employees as at the balance sheet date
December 31, 2024 December 31, 2023 Change Change in %
Fraport Group 19,211 18,057 +1,154 +6.4
thereof Fraport AG 7,158 7,095 +63 +0.9
thereof Group companies 12,053 10,962 +1,091 +10.0
thereof in Germany 15,682 14,811 +871 +5.9
thereof abroad 3,529 3,246 +283 +8.7

Compared with the previous year, the number of employees in the Fraport Group (excluding apprentices and employees on leave) increased by 6.4% (+1,154 employees) to 19,211 as at December 31, 2024. The increase is attributable in particular to the Group companies Fraport Ground Services GmbH (+613 employees) and the FraSec Group (+145 employees) and is due to a higher demand for personnel as a result of traffic volumes. Outside of Germany, employee numbers increased in particular in the Group companies in Peru (+131 employees), Slovenia (+84 employees), Greece (+46 employees), and Brazil (+31 employees).

Development in Personnel Structure

Fraport values the diversity of its employees. This diversity helps the Group to better understand the concerns of its customers, develop innovative solutions, and remain competitive in a globalized economy. Diversity management is therefore a central compo-nent of its human resources strategy. It is based on a Group agreement that includes the establishment of principles of anti-discrimination, advancement of women into management positions, and diversity. These principles form part of recruitment deci-sions and training measures.

With regard to permanent employees excluding seasonal staff as at the balance sheet date, the Group staff turnover rate of 12.7% in the reporting period was slightly higher than the previous year’s rate (previous year: 12.6%). The Group’s percentage of women, in relation to the total number of employees including temporary staff, apprentices, and employees on leave as at Decem-ber 31, 2024, decreased to 23.4% (previous year: 23.8%). The average age of the Group’s workforce decreased to 44.7 years (previous year: 45.4 years). The percentage of persons with major disabilities relative to the total number of employees exclud-ing apprentices and temporary staff decreased compared to the previous year to 6.6% on a Group-wide basis (previous year: 7.1%).

At Fraport AG, the proportion of female employees as at the balance sheet date 2024 was 20.1% (previous year: 19.7%). The proportion of employees with severe disabilities fell year on year to 11.9% (previous year: 12.4%). The average number of appren-tices increased to 251 (previous year: 227). The staff turnover rate at Fraport AG increased slightly to 2.8% (previous year: 2.7%).