Organization of Opportunity Management
The opportunity management system of the Fraport Group is intended to identify and evaluate opportunities at the earliest possible stage and to initiate appropriate measures to capitalize on them and ensure their commercial success. This includes the assessment of opportunities from existing business, as well as from new business fields.
The business, service and central units responsible for their business processes and the Group companies identify opportunities throughout the year as part of the operational management of the company and as part of the annually revolving planning process. Opportunities are reviewed regularly as part of the risk reporting process by the REW-RS department.
While short-term earnings monitoring focuses on opportunities that mainly affect the current fiscal year, the planning process focuses on opportunities that are of strategic importance for the Group. Within the context of the planning process, Fraport assesses market and competitive analyses, as well as environmental scenarios and deals with the orientation of the product and service portfolio, the cost drivers, and the critical success factors of the industry. Furthermore, Fraport monitors the identifiable trends among competitors and customers (such as airlines, passengers, and tenants) as well as in businesses outside of the industry which have an impact on air traffic in general and airport operations in particular. Fraport aims to further develop and expand the value-creating business fields that are already part of its operations. Moreover, Fraport is investing in business fields and business ideas in which the company can build sufficient competencies in order to create value over the long term.
In addition to opportunity management by the business, service and central units of Fraport AG and the Group companies, Fraport also draws on the expertise of the entire workforce. Using a variety of tools, such as the Digital Factory or the Plug and Play LLC network, Fraport aims to identify opportunities that are developed by the employees.