Consolidated Financial Statements for the 2024 Fiscal Year

Consolidated Income Statement

million Notes 2024 2023
Revenue (5) 4,427.0 4,000.5
Other internal work capitalized (6) 62.3 50.5
Other operating income (7) 86.6 59.0
Total revenue 4,575.9 4,110.0
Cost of materials (8) –1,851.5 –1,637.3
Personnel expenses (9) –1,202.4 –1,076.0
Depreciation and amortization (10) –532.3 –501.2
Other operating expenses (11) –220.2 –192.7
Operating result 769.5 702.8
Interest income (12) 144.6 100.9
Interest expenses (12) –349.4 –317.9
Result from companies accounted for using the equity method (13) 74.0 84.5
Other financial result (14) 43.0 –16.4
Financial result –87.8 –148.9
Result from ordinary operations 681.7 553.9
Taxes on income (15) –179.8 –123.4
Group result 501.9 430.5
thereof profit attributable to non-controlling interests 51.3 37.3
thereof profit attributable to shareholders of Fraport AG 450.6 393.2
Earnings per €10 share in € (16)
basic 4.88 4.26
diluted 4.88 4.26
EBITDA (= EBIT + depreciation and amortization) 1,301.8 1,204.0
EBIT (= operating result) 769.5 702.8