Consolidated Financial Statements for the 2024 Fiscal Year

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

million Notes 2024 2023
Result attributable to shareholders of Fraport AG 450.6 393.2
Result attributable to non-controlling interests 51.3 37.3
Adjustments for
Taxes on income (15) 179.8 123.4
Depreciation and amortization (10) 532.3 501.2
Interest result (12) 204.8 217.0
Gains/losses from disposals of non-current assets –1.9 2.1
Others –58.1 –14.9
Changes in the measurement of companies accounted for using the equity method (13) –74.0 –84.5
Changes in inventories (28) 3.2 –2.6
Changes in receivables and financial assets (24 – 25), (29) –40.1 –115.9
Changes in liabilities (34 – 36) 99.7 63.3
Changes in provisions (37 – 40) 13.3 –46.0
Operating activities 1,360.9 1,073.6
Financial activities
Interest paid –210.6 –205.2
Interest received 124.7 50.6
Paid taxes on income –95.9 –55.8
Cash flow from operating activities (43) 1,179.1 863.2
Investments in airport operating projects (18) –622.5 –579.6
Investments for other intangible assets (19) –15.8 –7.7
Capital expenditure for property, plant, and equipment (20) –1,250.1 –942.9
Investments for “Investment property” (21) –2.0 –1.3
Investments in/ sale of companies accounted for using the equity method (22) –0.2 0.8
Sale of consolidated subsidiaries 0.0 –10.6
Sale of shares in other investments (14) 45.0 0.0
Dividends from companies accounted for using the equity method (22) 80.2 57.1
Proceeds from disposal of non-current assets 4.9 1.6
Cash flow used in investing activities excluding investments in cash deposits and securities –1,760.5 –1,482.6
Financial investments in securities and promissory note loans (23) –621.7 –838.1
Proceeds from disposal of securities and promissory note loans 950.3 496.1
Changes in time deposits with a term of more than three months (30) –81.7 5.7
Cash flow used in investing activities (43) –1,513.6 –1,818.9
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests –17.4 –13.9
Capital increase non-controlling interests 29.8 33.7
Cash inflow from long-term financial liabilities (33) 1,892.6 2,055.3
Repayment of non-current financial liabilities –1,518.0 –923.9
Changes in current financial liabilities and other financing activities 102.9 –355.8
Cash flow used in financing activities (43) 489.9 795.4
Change in cash and cash equivalents 155.4 –160.3
Cash and cash equivalents as at January 1 796.5 965.5
Foreign currency translation effects on cash and cash equivalents –1.4 –8.7
Cash and cash equivalents as at December 31 (30), (43) 950.5 796.5