Consolidated Financial Statements for the 2024 Fiscal Year

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

million 2024 2023
Group result 501.9 430.5
Remeasurements of defined benefit pension plans –0.6 –2.9
(Deferred taxes related to those items 0.2 0.9)
Equity instruments measured at fair value 3.6 –12.5
Other comprehensive income of companies accounted for using the equity method 0.4 0.4
(Deferred taxes related to those items –0.1 –0.1)
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 3.5 –14.2
Fair value changes of derivatives
Changes directly recognized in equity 33.8 18.0
realized gains (+)/losses (–) 15.1 7.9
18.7 10.1
(Deferred taxes related to those items –4.1 –2.2)
Debt instruments measured at fair value
Changes recognized directly in equity 25.7 30.0
realized gains (+)/losses (–) 0.0 0.0
25.7 30.0
(Deferred taxes related to those items –8.2 –9.1)
Currency translation of foreign subsidiaries
Changes recognized directly in equity 4.2 –10.2
realized gains (+)/losses (–) 0.0 0.0
4.2 –10.2
Income and expenses from companies accounted for using the equity method directly recognized in equity
Changes recognized directly in equity 31.7 0.2
realized gains (+)/losses (–) 0.0 –8.7
31.7 8.9
(Deferred taxes related to those items 0.0 0.0)
Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 68.0 27.5
Other result 71.5 13.3
Comprehensive income 573.4 443.8
thereof attributable to non-controlling interests 63.5 34.5
thereof attributable to shareholders of Fraport AG 509.9 409.3