Further Information

Ten-Year Overview

Consolidated income statement1)
million 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Revenues 4,427.0 4,000.5 3,194.4 2,143.3 1,677.0 3,705.8 3,478.3 2,934.8 2,586.2 2,598.9
Change in work-in-process 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5
Other internal work capitalized 62.3 50.5 39.9 38.0 37.9 37.9 35.9 36.3 34.9 29.9
Other operating income 86.6 59.0 139.3 354.6 81.8 40.9 88.2 38.9 332.9 49.8
Total revenue 4,575.9 4,110.0 3,373.6 2,535.9 1,796.7 3,785.0 3,602.7 3,010.4 2,954.4 2,679.1
Cost of materials –1,851.5 –1,637.3 –1,101.6 –750.7 –688.6 –1,197.4 –1,089.1 –720.4 –621.9 –610.4
Personnel expenses –1,202.4 –1,076.0 –1,036.7 –884.3 –1,212.1 –1,222.8 –1,182.3 –1,092.9 –1,066.7 –1,026.7
Other operating expenses –220.2 –192.7 –205.5 –143.9 –146.6 –184.5 –202.3 –193.9 –211.7 –193.2
EBITDA 1,301.8 1,204.0 1,029.8 757.0 -250.6 1,180.3 1,129.0 1,003.2 1,054.1 848.8
Depreciation and amortization –532.3 –501.2 –465.3 –443.3 –457.5 –475.3 –398.5 –360.2 –360.4 –328.3
Operating result/EBIT 769.5 702.8 564.5 313.7 –708.1 705.0 730.5 643.0 693.7 520.5
Interest result –204.8 –217.0 –260.5 –224.9 –165.8 –165.0 –168.4 –157.5 –106.9 –125.6
Result from companies accounted for using
the equity method
74.0 84.5 77.0 18.8 –55.0 46.1 98.8 30.9 –4.6 37.6
Other financial result 43.0 –16.4 –147.1 8.8 –4.3 3.9 9.5 –10.3 –0.8 1.3
Financial result –87.8 –148.9 –330.6 –197.3 –225.1 –115.0 –60.1 –136.9 –112.3 –86.7
Result from ordinary operations/EBT 681.7 553.9 233.9 116.4 –933.2 590.0 670.4 506.1 581.4 433.8
Taxes on income –179.8 –123.4 –67.3 –24.6 242.8 –135.7 –164.7 –146.4 –181.1 –136.8
Group result 501.9 430.5 166.6 91.8 –690.4 454.3 505.7 359.7 400.3 297.0
thereof profit attributable to
non-controlling interests
51.3 37.3 34.2 9.0 –32.8 33.6 31.8 29.5 24.9 20.5
thereof profit attributable to
shareholders of Fraport AG
450.6 393.2 132.4 82.8 –657.6 420.7 473.9 330.2 375.4 276.5
Earnings per €10 share in € (basic) 4.88 4.26 1.43 0.90 –7.12 4.55 5.13 3.57 4.07 3.00
Earnings per €10 share in € (diluted) 4.88 4.26 1.43 0.89 –7.09 4.54 5.11 3.56 4.06 2.99
1) Due to new accounting policies, and shifts in Group definitions, figures reported in previous years may differ. No retroactive adjustment of the previous year's figures was carried out.
Key figures
Key figures 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Operating cash flow in € million 1,179.1 863.2 787.3 392.6 –236.2 952.3 802.3 818.7 583.2 652.2
Free cash flow in € million –674.7 –656.4 –741.0 –772.3 –1,400.0 –373.5 6.8 393.1 301.7 393.6
EBITDA margin in % 29.4 30.1 32.2 35.3 –14.9 31.9 32.5 34.2 40.8 32.7
EBIT margin in % 17.4 17.6 17.7 14.6 –42.2 19.0 21.0 21.9 26.8 20.0
Return on revenue in % 15.4 13.8 7.3 5.4 –55.6 15.9 19.3 17.2 22.5 16.7
Fraport assets in € million 13,988.8 12,477.7 11,383.8 10,208.6 9,249.3 8,952.4 7,688.8 6,965.8 6,069.2 6,071.0
ROFRA in % 6.3 6.6 6.0 3.4 –8.3 8.8 11.1 10.0 11.4 9.4
Year-end closing price of the Fraport share in € 58.50 54.76 38.05 59.18 49.36 75.78 62.46 91.86 56.17 58.94
Dividend per share in € 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.35
Passenger numbers Frankfurt 61,561,247 59,355,389 48,918,482 24,812,849 18,768,601 70,556,072 69,510,269 64,500,386 60,786,937 61,032,022
Average number of employees 19,001 17,840 18,850 18,419 21,164 22,514 21,961 20,673 20,322 20,720
1) Due to new accounting policies, and shifts in Group definitions, figures reported in previous years may differ. No retroactive adjustment of the previous year's figures was carried out.
Financial position key figures
Dec. 31, 2024 Dec. 31, 2023 Dec. 31, 2022 Dec. 31, 2021 Dec. 31, 2020 Dec. 31, 2019 Dec. 31, 2018 Dec. 31, 2017 Dec. 31, 2016 Dec. 31, 2015
Profit earmarked for distribution in € million 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 184.9 184.9 138.7 138.7 124.7
Net financial debt in € million 8,388.5 7,712.6 7,058.7 6,369.7 5,533.5 4,147.0 3,545.4 3,512.4 2,355.9 2,774.3
Capital employed in € million 13,217.1 12,031.3 10,968.1 10,122.8 9,152.3 8,590.1 7,540.8 7,241.8 5,957.5 6,086.9
Net debt/EBITDA 6.4 6.4 6.9 8.4 –22.1 3.5 3.1 3.5 2.2 3.3
Gearing ratio in % 173.3 178.6 180.6 169.7 152.9 93.3 88.7 94.2 65.4 83.8
Debt-to-equity ratio in % 41.4 40.8 40.1 39.2 39.3 32.8 31.0 32.4 26.6 31.4
Dynamic debt ratio in % 711.4 893.5 896.6 1622.4 -2342.7 435.5 441.9 444.2 404.0 425.4
Working capital in € million 3,071.1 3,035.2 2,432.6 2,608.3 1,675.6 558.4 717.9 575.1 840.9 606.0
Group Liquidity in € million 3,936.6 4,041.3 3,866.9 3,564.3 2,213.7 1,156.3 1,163.2 1,018.6 1,247.5 1,043.1
Consolidated statement of financial position1)
million Dec. 31, 2024 Dec. 31, 2023 Dec. 31, 2022 Dec. 31, 2021 Dec. 31, 2020 Dec. 31, 2019 Dec. 31, 2018 Dec. 31, 2017 Dec. 31, 2016 Dec. 31, 2015
Goodwill 19.3 19.3 19.3 19.3 19.3 19.3 19.3 19.3 19.3 41.7
Investments in airport operating projects 4,547.5 4,146.8 3,769.1 3,416.4 3,221.2 3,284.1 2,844.3 2,621.1 516.1 500.9
Other intangible assets 98.6 97.0 95.9 105.8 119.1 131.1 134.5 132.4 146.7 161.2
Property, plant, and equipment 9,850.3 8,951.5 8,371.8 7,898.4 7,330.3 6,837.9 6,081.7 5,921.5 5,954.2 6,045.4
Investment property 82.6 69.5 69.1 88.6 123.3 93.3 88.8 96.4 79.6 74.5
Investments in companies accounted for
using the equity method
556.8 518.0 491.4 71.3 165.5 242.2 260.0 268.1 209.7 237.6
Other financial assets 834.3 953.1 1173.4 932.3 350.3 503.0 426.1 488.6 561.7 659.2
Other financial receivables and assets 107.9 100.2 87.2 276.6 233.2 193.7 195.0 190.9 173.3 167.0
Other non-financial receivables and assets 85.5 95.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 5.4
Deferred tax assets 93.0 102.3 159.5 182.6 175.8 78.6 56.7 41.0 36.9 33.4
Non-current assets 16,275.8 15,053.1 14,236.7 12,991.3 11,971.2 11,576.9 10,106.4 9,779.3 7,697.7 7,926.3
Inventories 24.8 28.0 25.5 20.3 22.3 23.6 28.9 29.3 37.9 42.8
Trade accounts receivable 288.6 271.5 177.1 152.3 125.4 203.1 177.9 143.5 129.6 154.0
Other receivables and financial assets 983.7 1085.2 409.0 272.7 321.0 203.3 304.3 245.5 259.7 310.8
Income tax receivables 33.7 42.5 33.3 20.9 10.1 25.2 13.1 5.4 11.9 7.4
Cash and cash equivalents 2,646.2 2,410.5 2,585.2 2662.8 1864.4 788.9 801.3 629.4 736.0 406.0
Current assets 3,977.0 3,837.7 3,230.1 3,129.0 2,664.2 1,447.4 1,325.5 1,053.1 1,175.1 921.0
Non-current assets held for sale 0.0 0.1 11.4 119.7 0.0 0.0 17.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
Issued capital 923.9 923.9 923.9 923.9 923.9 923.9 923.9 923.9 923.6 923.1
Capital reserve 598.5 598.5 598.5 598.5 598.5 598.5 598.5 598.5 596.3 594.3
Revenue reserves 3,306.2 2,796.3 2,387.0 2,230.7 2,096.4 2,920.7 2,657.9 2,345.7 2,220.4 1,919.9
Equity attributable to shareholders of Fraport AG 4,828.6 4,318.7 3,909.4 3,753.1 3,675.8 4,443.1 4,180.3 3,868.1 3,740.3 3,437.3
Non-controlling interests 349.5 273.6 222.5 155.9 139.9 180.1 187.7 160.6 101.1 74.4
Shareholders’ equity 5,178.1 4,592.3 4,131.9 3,909.0 3,758.7 4,623.2 4,368.0 4,028.7 3,841.4 3,511.7
Financial liabilities 10,996.8 10,232.5 9,716.0 9,306.4 6,936.5 4,746.8 4,100.3 3,955.6 3,236.9 3,273.8
Trade accounts payable 81.3 78.6 62.3 71.8 42.6 41.4 45.5 42.4 41.8 42.5
Other liabilities 1,142.9 1,153.1 1,168.0 1,193.4 1,147.7 1,279.4 1,016.7 1,090.1 408.0 447.7
Deferred tax liabilities 164.1 52.1 41.3 37.7 39.7 212.7 228.3 203.8 173.6 172.2
Provisions for pensions and similar obligations 36.5 35.8 31.7 41.7 46.7 40.2 31.7 34.2 33.2 30.7
Provisions for income taxes 63.2 47.3 77.0 83.7 51.0 69.7 74.2 70.3 71.8 62.1
Other provisions 113.3 118.9 136.3 160.7 196.5 158.7 160.2 147.2 147.2 201.6
Non-current liabilities 12,598.1 11,718.3 11,232.6 10,895.4 9,631.7 7,828.3 5,656.9 5,543.6 4,112.5 4,230.6
Financial liabilities 1,328.3 1521.4 1209.6 627.6 810.7 556.5 608.3 575.4 366.5 543.6
Trade accounts payable 488.5 430.8 444.4 298.8 294.6 297.3 286.5 185.9 146.7 143.1
Other liabilities 417.4 371.7 353.1 282.2 330.4 347.0 275.6 249.7 145.7 129.4
Provisions for income taxes 46.3 73.3 24.7 29.4 43.1 59.7 43.9 33.1 42.9 56.0
Other provisions 196.1 183.1 199.2 189.5 383.0 194.7 201.1 216.0 217.1 232.9
Current liabilities 2,476.6 2,580.3 2,231.0 1,427.5 2,192.2 1,802.2 1,415.4 1,260.1 918.9 1,105.0
Liabilities in the context of non-current assets
held for sale
0.0 0.0 12.1 8.1 0.0 0.0 8.8 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total assets 20,252.8 18,890.9 17,607.6 16,240.0 15,582.6 14,253.7 11,440.3 10,832.4 8,872.8 8,847.3
1) Due to new accounting policies, and shifts in Group definitions, figures reported in previous years may differ. No retroactive adjustment of the previous year's figures was carried out.
Change over the previous year
In % Dec. 31, 2024 Dec. 31, 2023 Dec. 31, 2022 Dec. 31, 2021 Dec. 31, 2020 Dec. 31, 2019 Dec. 31, 2018 Dec. 31, 2017 Dec. 31, 2016 Dec. 31, 2015
Non-current assets +8.1 +5.7 +9.6 +8.5 +3.4 +14.6 +3.3 +27.0 –2.9 –1.9
Shareholders’ equity (less non-controlling interests and profit earmarked for distribution) +11.8 +10.5 +4.2 +3.7 –18.6 +11.2 +7.1 +3.5 +8.7 +7.0
Share of total assets in %
Non-current assets 80.4 79.7 80.9 80.0 76.8 81.2 88.3 90.3 86.8 89.6
Shareholders’ equity ratio 23.8 22.9 22.2 23.1 25.7 35.2 34.9 34.4 40.6 37.4