Ensuring the integrity of all employees worldwide is of great importance to Fraport. Compliance is a key prerequisite for the future viability of the company. In order to ensure compliance with the rules, guidelines are applied within Fraport that employees must comply with.The Code of Conduct for Employees that applies worldwide to the Fraport Group reflects the culture of values practiced at Fraport and stipulates the requirement to act responsibly and appropriately when dealing with the economic, legal, and moral challenges of everyday business. The Code of Conduct is reviewed regularly and updated when necessary.
There are several ways for employees, customers, suppliers, and other third parties around the world to report potential compliance breaches securely and in confidence. This includes information on violations of the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (LkSG), such as human rights violations and environmental crimes. Fraport has set up an electronic whistleblower system and appointed an external ombudsman for this purpose. Employees can also contact internal representatives. The information received is carefully and conscientiously evaluated and examined. Compliance breaches are systematically penalized, and any grievances are remedied. Whistleblowers are protected by the highest level of confidentiality and, where possible, by ensuring their anonymity.Fraport employees are regularly informed on the topic of compliance through various internal channels and undergo training courses. The Code of Conduct and other compliance guidelines in place at the Fraport Group are available to employees on the corresponding information platforms.In its Supplier Code of Conduct, Fraport describes the requirements and principles for cooperation with contractors, suppliers, and service providers. The contractually agreed Supplier Code of Conduct obliges them to comply with the applicable national laws and the relevant internationally recognized standards, guidelines, and principles, as also stipulated in the Code of Conduct.
The Compliance Management System (CMS) at Fraport is a systematic tool for ensuring legal and compliant behavior within the Group. The objective of the CMS is to ensure corporate management based on values and with integrity that goes beyond the mere fulfillment of standards. The CMS of Fraport AG is based on and starts with a rolling compliance risk analysis (CRA), which includes the fight against corruption as one focus area. Within the compliance system at the Fraport Group, a distinction must be made between central and local levels. Every member of the Executive Board of Fraport AG is also responsible for the organization of compliance within the Fraport Group. It has assigned the Head of the Legal Affairs and Compliance central unit, who also serves as Chief Compliance Officer, to develop, organize, and operate the CMS of Fraport AG. The Group companies are obliged to set up a local CMS in accordance with the minimum standards set out in the relevant Group guidelines. Responsibility for the individual CMS within the Group lies with the local management of the respective Group company. The central CMS organization is responsible for the Group’s requirements with regard to the minimum standards for the design of the local CMS and monitoring of compliance with those requirements. The finance and audit committee is informed at least once per year of the status of the CMS within Fraport AG and the Group by the Executive Board.