Defining Targets for the Proportion of Women on the Supervisory Board, Executive Board, and the two Levels Below the Executive Board
According to the German Stock Corporation Act, Fraport AG, as a listed company to which the German Co-Determination Act applies and whose Executive Board consists of more than three persons, must have at least one woman and at least one man as a member of the Executive Board (minimum participation requirement). Fraport AG complied with this requirement during the 2024 fiscal year.
The targets for the proportion of women at the two management levels below the Executive Board as well as the deadlines for reaching these targets must be determined based on this law.
It is not necessary to set targets for the proportion of women on the Supervisory Board at Fraport AG because that board is already subject to a fixed gender quota in accordance with Section 96(2) of the AktG.
Targets for the Executive Board
If the above-mentioned minimum participation requirement applies to the Executive Board, the obligation to set a target figure for the participation of women on the Executive Board is waived in accordance with the provisions of the German Stock Corporation Act. The Supervisory Board set a target of 25% of women on the Fraport AG Executive Board at its meeting of September 18, 2015, and this target remained even after the obligation to set targets for the Executive Board had been eliminated. Since Julia Kranenberg’s joining the Executive Board of Fraport AG on November 1, 2022, the percentage of women on the Executive Board of Fraport AG is 40%.
Targets for the First and Second Management Levels Below the Executive Board
The Executive Board sets the targets for the proportion of women at the two levels below the Executive Board in accordance with Section 76(4) of the German Stock Corporation Act and Principle 3 of the GCGC.
The Executive Board set a target for Fraport AG of 31.8% of women in the first management level below the Executive Board (“direct reports” to the Executive Board) and a target of 30.9% of women in the subordinate management level (“direct reports” to the first management level under the Executive Board) for the period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2026. Regarding the Group as a whole, the Executive Board also set a target of 30.8% of women in the first management level below the Executive Board (“direct reports” to the Executive Board) and a target of 30.2% of women in the subordinate management level (“direct reports” to the first management level under the Executive Board) for the same period.
As at the balance sheet date of December 31, 2024, the actual proportion of women in the first management level at Fraport AG was 26.3%, and 31.9% in the second management level. As at the balance sheet date of December 31, 2024, the actual proportion of women in the first management level within the Group was 28.6%, and 33.3% in the second management level.
In 2024, the Executive Board also focused on diversity when filling management positions in the company, and in particular sought to ensure that appropriate consideration was given to the proportion of women in these positions. To this end, various programs have already been adopted in the past that establish the advancement of women into management positions and diversity at Fraport.
Gender Ratio on the Supervisory Board
In accordance with Section 96 (2) of the AktG (Principle 11 of the GCGC), where members are newly elected and posted to the Supervisory Board of Fraport AG, the statutory gender ratio must be met, with a minimum of 30% women and 30% men on the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board had decided in the context of the last Supervisory Board election in 2023 that these ratios are to be met separately by the shareholder representatives and the employee representatives on the Supervisory Board. These requirements were met by the composition of the Supervisory Board of Fraport AG in 2024.