Shareholders and Annual General Meeting
The shareholders of Fraport AG exercise their rights at the Annual General Meeting where they exercise their right to a voice and a vote. The shareholders are informed of business developments in the past year and the company’s forecasts included in the combined management report with sufficient time prior to the meeting. During the year, the shareholders are provided with comprehensive and timely information about current business developments through interim reports and other company publications on the company website.
The Annual General Meeting is held within the first eight months of every fiscal year and makes decisions concerning the tasks assigned to it by law, such as the appropriation of profits, election and approval of the actions of the members of the Supervisory Board and approval of the actions of the members of the Executive Board, the selection of the auditor, amendments to the company statutes, Supervisory Board remuneration, approval of the remuneration system for Executive Board members, and other tasks. The shareholders can either exercise their right to vote in person or can authorize third parties to exercise their right to vote. Each share entitles its holder to one vote in the Annual General Meeting.
In accordance with the company statutes, the Executive Board is authorized to provide for
- the Annual General Meeting to be held without the physical presence of shareholders or their proxies at the venue of the Annual General Meeting (virtual Annual General Meeting) – this authorization is limited in time and applies to Annual General Meetings held within three years of the commercial register entry made in June 2023 of this new provision in the company statutes created by the 2023 Annual General Meeting and can be extended or renewed (also several times) by a corresponding resolution of the Annual General Meeting;
- shareholders to cast their votes in writing or by means of electronic communication (postal vote);
- shareholders to participate in an Annual General Meeting that is not a virtual Annual General Meeting within the meaning of the company statutes without being present at the venue and without proxy and to exercise all or some of their rights in whole or in part by means of electronic communication (online participation).
The Annual General Meeting was held as an in-person meeting in 2024. Among other things, it resolved to amend the company statutes by adapting Section 15(2) sentence 4 of the statutes to the amended wording of Section 123(4) sentence 2 of the AktG and approved the remuneration system for the members of the Executive Board.