To Our Shareholders

Report of the Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board performed all the tasks incumbent on it under law, the company statutes, as well as the rules of procedure and continuously monitored the management of the company in the 2024 fiscal year. The Supervisory Board regularly obtained timely and comprehensive information from the Executive Board, in writing and orally, on the proposed business policies, fundamental questions concerning future management and corporate planning, the situation and development of the company and the Group, as well as significant business transactions, and consulted with the Executive Board on these matters. Deviations in the business development from the planning were explained in detail to the Supervisory Board. Based on the reports of the Executive Board, the Supervisory Board extensively discussed significant business transactions of the company. The Executive Board harmonized the strategic alignment of the company with the Supervisory Board. In addition, the Chairman of the Executive Board maintained regular contact with the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and informed him about current developments concerning the business situation as well as substantial business transactions. The Supervisory Board was directly involved in all decisions of fundamental importance to the company. Where required by law, the company statutes, or rules of internal procedure, the Supervisory Board voted on the relevant proposals made by the Executive Board after having thoroughly examined and consulted on those matters.

In the reporting period, the Supervisory Board met five times, including a strategy meeting, in-person, with individual members given the option of virtual participation.