To Our Shareholders

Focal Points of Discussions of the Supervisory Board

The business development of the Fraport Group and its Group companies was discussed regularly by the Supervisory Board in the 2024 fiscal year with a focus on traffic and revenue development at Frankfurt Airport, construction and capital expenditure, as well as digitalization and cybersecurity issues.

Apart from this regular reporting, the following matters were extensively discussed in the 2024 fiscal year, in particular:

  • The expansion of capacity in the southern part of Frankfurt Airport was a focal point of the reporting. Progress in the construction of Terminal 3 (including the new gates) and its traffic connection (in particular the connection via the passenger transportation system) have been the subject of in-depth discussions at all meetings. The inauguration of the new terminal facilities at the Frankfurt site, scheduled for 2026, is still proceeding according to plan.
  • The company’s liquidity requirements and the securing of the liquidity required for the ongoing further expansion in Frankfurt, Lima, and Antalya were dealt with on a recurring basis. The raising of further loan funds was approved.
  • The Supervisory Board dealt on an ongoing basis with the effects of the flood disaster at Porto Alegre Airport (Brazil), the resulting damage and the measures taken in this context through to the resumption of flight operations there. The Supervisory Board also regularly discussed the disposal process relating to the indirect investment in Pulkovo Airport, St. Petersburg, and Delhi International Airport Ltd.
  • A strategy meeting focused on cybersecurity issues and the company’s cybersecurity strategy. Market and traffic development and developments in competition were also discussed, as well as the digitalization strategy.
  • The Supervisory Board dealt with the HRneo program, the personnel management transformation program for implementing the human resources strategy and realignment of the Human Resources division to the changed market conditions and employee needs.
  • The Supervisory Board discussed the amendment to the statutes proposed to the Annual General Meeting. This amendment adapted Section 15(2) sentence 4 of the company statutes to the amended wording of Section 123(4) sentence 2 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG). In addition, Section 4 of the company statutes was reformulated by the Supervisory Board on account of the authorization pursuant to Section 11(3) of the statutes, because the Executive Board’s authorization contained therein to increase the capital stock by €3,500,000 in the period up to May 22, 2022 with the consent of the Supervisory Board no longer had any regulatory content due to the passage of time.
  • In addition, the Supervisory Board dealt with the financial statements and management reports of the company and the Group as at December 31, 2023, as well as the 2023 Annual Report and reached the necessary decisions on their approval and adoption.

Furthermore, the Supervisory Board made specific decisions on the following subjects, among others:

  • The Supervisory Board adopted the agenda for the ordinary Annual General Meeting on May 28, 2024. In addition, the Supervisory Board decided to propose to the Annual General Meeting that Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Frankfurt/Main, be appointed as the auditor and group auditor for the 2024 fiscal year. It also decided to propose to the Annual General Meeting the approval of the remuneration system for the members of the Executive Board that it had previously approved and the remuneration report for the 2023 fiscal year.
  • At its meeting on June 17, 2024, the Supervisory Board approved the submission of a binding offer for the concession of the Greek Kalamata Airport Captain Vassilis Constantakopoulos together with consortium partners to which the tendering authority awarded the contract in favor of Fraport AG and its consortium partners..
  • In August 2024, the Supervisory Board approved the sale of the indirect investment in Pulkovo Airport, St. Petersburg, and the investment in Delhi International Airport Ltd. by written procedure on the recommendation of the Investment and Capital Expenditure Committee.
  • At the meeting on December 13, 2024, the Supervisory Board appointed Ms. Julia Kranenberg as a member of the Executive Board with effect from November 1, 2025 for a further five years.
  • On December 13, 2024, the Supervisory Board discussed the company’s capital requirements and approved the proposed financing framework for 2025 as well as further borrowings within this financing framework through loans, bonds, or other debt instruments.
  • On December 13, 2024, the Supervisory Board approved the 2025 Business Plan.