Personnel particulars
At its meeting on March 14, 2025, the Supervisory Board resolved to reappoint Prof. Dr. Zieschang as a member of the Executive Board for a further two years and seven months, i.e. until August 31, 2028, with effect from February 1, 2026. From the Supervisory Board's point of view, the reasons for this were the goal of continuing the high level of investment in a positive free cash flow, resuming dividend payments and driving forward the reduction of debt, which has risen sharply as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the view of the Supervisory Board, Prof. Dr. Zieschang's many years of experience are of great value for the financial stability of Fraport AG and the Fraport Group. In view of the current economic uncertainties and challenges with regard to the implementation of the new Group strategy Fraport.2030 it is of crucial importance for the Supervisory Board to ensure continuity and stability for the Executive Board member responsible for controlling and finance. In the case of the (re)appointment of Prof. Dr. Zieschang, there will therefore be an exceptional deviation from the generally stipulated age limit of 65 years. The Supervisory Board also adheres to the age limit of 65 years that has been set in principle.
Frankfurt am Main, March 14, 2025
Former Minister Michael Boddenberg
(Chairman of the Supervisory Board)