The Supervisory Board continued its successful work with the committees it had formed to increase efficiency and to prepare for the Supervisory Board meetings. In individual appropriate cases and in accordance with law, decision-making powers of the Supervisory Board were granted to the committees. The chairpersons of the committees provided regular reports at the next Supervisory Board meeting to the plenum of the Supervisory Board on the work of the committees. The composition and responsibilities of the individual committees can be found in the “Combined Statement on Corporate Governance” chapter as well as on the Group’s website at

Unless otherwise noted in the following, the meetings of the committees took place in-person with the option of virtual participation for individual members.

The finance and audit committee met six times during the reporting period, with two of these meetings held as virtual meetings, and discussed substantial business transactions, the annual and consolidated financial statements, and the management reports. Representatives of the auditor participated in the meetings on individual agenda items. The finance and audit committee prepared the determination of the focal points of the 2024 fiscal year audit of accounts for the Supervisory Board. The interim report and the interim releases were discussed in detail prior to their publication. Comments were also made on the 2025 Business Plan of Fraport AG (prepared in accordance with the German Commercial Code, HGB) and the 2025 Group Plan (prepared in accordance with IFRS). Furthermore, the committee dealt with the awarding of the audit mandate to the auditor and made proposals to the plenum for the election of the auditor for the 2024 fiscal year. The quality of the audit of accounts was monitored and the remuneration of the same discussed. Furthermore, the issuing of mandates for non-audit-related services to the auditor was discussed. A proposal was made to the plenum to recommend to the Annual General Meeting that Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Frankfurt/Main, be appointed as the auditor and group auditor for the 2024 fiscal year. Furthermore, with regard to the review of CSR reporting, the recommendation of the Supervisory Board was in favor of this auditing company.

Further focal points of the discussions were asset and liability management as well as the regular supplementary reports to the consolidated financial statements and/or the consolidated interim reports in accordance with Section 90 of the AktG. In addition, the committee discussed risk management and the internal control, internal audit, and compliance management systems in detail and ensured that the Supervisory Board was appropriately informed.

The discussions at the four meetings of the investment and capital expenditure Committee in the 2024 financial year focused on the economic development of the investment business and the expansion measures in Germany as well as the foreign investments. In the 2024 financial year, the investment and capital expenditure dealt intensively with the effects of the flood disaster at the airport in Porto Alegre (Brazil) and the measures taken to deal with the resulting damage as well as the gradual resumption of flight operations. Another focus was the ongoing discussion of the sale of the equity investments in the operator of Pulkovo Airport, St. Petersburg, and Delhi International Airport Ltd. The Equity Investments and Investment Committee recommended to the Supervisory Board by written procedure that the Supervisory Board approve the sale of the equity investment in the operator of Pulkovo Airport, St. Petersburg, and Delhi International Airport Ltd.

A particular focus was on the expansion in the southern part of Frankfurt Airport, which was intensively discussed at all committee meetings in the presence of the management of the responsible Group company Fraport Ausbau Süd GmbH, also with a view to the discussions by the Supervisory Board. The committee also dealt with the expansion of the airport in Lima. Further items of the discussions were the expansion obligation at Antalya Airport according to the new concession and its financing.

The committee regularly dealt with the economic situation of the Group companies at the Frankfurt site and worldwide. It discussed in detail the capital expenditure made under the 2024 Business Plan as well as the capital expenditure planning for the 2025 fiscal year.

At its four meetings in the 2024 fiscal year, the human resources committee regularly discussed the human resources situation in the Group. At the Frankfurt site, the focus was on the HRneo development program in human resources and the development of personnel expenses and remuneration.

Another focal point of discussions was the development of the percentage of women in top management and management positions.

The executive committee met three times during the reporting period. It dealt with Executive Board matters and remuneration issues arising in the 2024 fiscal year.

The nomination committee formed in preparation for the election of new shareholder representatives did not meet in the 2024 fiscal year.

The mediation committee, to be constituted in accordance with Section 27 of the German Co-Determination Act (MitbestG), also did not meet during the 2024 fiscal year.