To Our Shareholders

Development in Shareholder Structure

Fraport was notified of the following changes in shareholder structure in the past fiscal year:

Notification of voting rights pursuant to Sections 33 and 34 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG)
Holders of voting rights Date of change
Type of change
New share of voting rights
First Maven Pty Ltd. March 26, 2024 Extension of voting rights 5.06 %
Lazard Asset Management LLC November 5, 2024 Exceeded the 3% threshold 3.07 %
ClearBridge Investments Limited December 20, 2024 Exceeded the 3% threshold 3.02 %

1) The relative ownership interests were adjusted to the current total number of shares as at December 31, 2024 and therefore may differ from the figures given

at the time of reporting or from the respective shareholders’ own disclosure. Shares below 3% are classified under “free float.”

The majority of the approximately 92.5 million shares were held by German regional and local authorities (52.23%). With a share of 31.31%, the State of Hesse was the largest shareholder in the company, while the City of Frankfurt/Main held 20.92% of the shares. The voting rights owned by the City of Frankfurt are held indirectly via the Stadtwerke Frankfurt am Main Holding GmbH subsidiary. Deutsche Lufthansa AG held a share of 8.44%, or over 7.8 million no-par-value shares, making it the third largest individual shareholder of Fraport AG. Other shareholders that exceeded the statutory threshold of 3% of the outstanding Fraport shares as at the reporting date of December 31, 2024, were First Maven Pty (5.06%), ATLAS Infrastructure Partners (UK) Ltd., Lazard Asset Management LLC, and ClearBridge Investments Limited, whose respective portfolios are managed in Australia.

To the extent known, the Fraport shares in free float were spread across the following countries:

1) Free float = total number of shares as at December 31, 2024 excluding shares held by the State of Hesse, Stadtwerke Frankfurt am Main Holding GmbH,

Deutsche Lufthansa AG, and treasury shares. Shares held via several subsidiaries were combined.

Source: Bloomberg, January 2025