No material changes compared with the previous year

Compared with the previous year, no fundamental changes were made to the legal and organizational Group structure in the 2022 fiscal year.

As already reported in the Interim Report 2022, the Supervisory Board of Fraport AG approved the extension of the contract with Anke Giesen, Executive Director Retail & Real Estate, for an additional three years until December 31, 2025 with effect from January 1, 2023. In addition, the Supervisory Board of Fraport AG appointed Julia Kranenberg as the new Labor Relations Director. On November 1, 2022, Ms. Kranenberg succeeded Michael Müller, who left the company on September 30, 2022, having reached retirement age. Ms. Kranenberg’s contract has a term of three years.

Since October 1, 2022, the “HR Top Executives” unit and the “Human Resources” central unit have been jointly assigned to the Labor Relations Director, and the “Internal Auditing” central unit to the Executive Director Retail & Real Estate.

Legal structure of the Group

As the parent company of the Fraport Group, Fraport AG directly or indirectly holds the shares in the other Group companies and has its registered office in Frankfurt am Main. As at December 31, 2022 there were 55 consolidated companies excluding companies accounted for using the equity method, and 76 companies including companies accounted for using the equity method (in the previous year: 59 and 80 companies, respectively). For a detailed overview of the shareholdings within the Group, please see Group notes, note 57.

Organizational Group structure

As a management body, the Executive Board bears the strategic and operational responsibility for the Group. At the time of preparing the consolidated financial statements, the Executive Board consisted of the five members Dr. Stefan Schulte (Chair), Anke Giesen (Executive Director Retail and Real Estate), Julia Kranenberg (Labor Relations Director), Dr. Pierre Dominique Prümm (Executive Director Aviation and Infrastructure), and Prof. Dr. Matthias Zieschang (Executive Director Controlling and Finance).

For the purpose of managing the Group, the Executive Board has divided the business activities into four segments: “Aviation”, “Retail & Real Estate”, “Ground Handling”, which are largely active at the Frankfurt site, as well as “International Activities & Services”, which primarily includes the Group companies outside of Frankfurt. The segments encompass the strategic business units and service units of Fraport AG and also include the Group companies involved in each of these business processes. The central departments of Fraport AG in Frankfurt are also responsible for Group-wide administrative services, among other things.

The Aviation segment mainly operates the land and airside infrastructure at the Frankfurt site. It therefore includes both the area of airport charges, which is legally regulated in Germany, and relevant security services. The regulated airport charges consist of passenger, landing, and takeoff fees, security fees, and parking fees. This segment is responsible for ensuring safe, efficient, and customer-oriented processes in the flight operating areas and terminals as well as the operational implementation of airport and air safety tasks in compliance with legal requirements. The close cooperation with authorities, including the Hessian air traffic authority and the German Federal Police, is of great importance to ensure smooth operation of the airside and landside processes. 
The Retail & Real Estate segment is responsible for the retail activities and the marketing of real estate and land at Frankfurt Airport. Its activities extend from the management of buildings and facilities through to the management and development of the parking and retail areas and the renting of advertising space. The focus is on greater use of online retail offers and sales channels, and on further development of the freight properties and areas.
The Ground Handling segment consists of loading, baggage, and passenger services, airmail and luggage transport, and freight handling at the Frankfurt Airport. The segment is responsible for the quality of Frankfurt Airport’s role as a hub, characterized by complex transfer processes. The provision of the central infrastructure, in particular the baggage transfer system, is also allocated to this segment. Usage fees for the corporate infrastructure are regulated. 
The International Activities & Services segment includes the acquisition, operation, maintenance, development, and expansion of airports abroad. Consulting services, including in the “Operational Readiness and Airport Transfer” (ORAT) section, are also provided. The segment also includes Fraport AG service units that provide central services for the Fraport Group.

As at December 31, 2022, the organizational structure of the Fraport Group was as follows:

A detailed description of the structure and operation of the management and control body is presented in the “Joint Statement on Corporate Governance”. The annually updated “Joint Statement on Corporate Governance” does not form part of the annual audit of the consolidated accounts by the auditor. This can be found in the “To Our Shareholders” chapter.